Thursday, December 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo~ So, how did I do?

Well, I did not manage to get to 50,000 words, on the website of NaNoWriMo that is. When I got to about 10,000 words on my computer, it got a virus and started to act as if it was possessed by the devil. I got angry with using the computer to write my book and went back to using paper and pencil. There are at least two notebooks full and bits and pieces in other notebooks as well. Now all I need to do is go through and sort out the good from the bad.
I believe one of the main obstacles, other than my computer's problem, is that the month of November is not a very good month to hide oneself away from others in order to write. There are just too many activities to do in November. A better month for me would be January when all there is to do is to feel blue from the gray skies or go skiing. At the moment I do not ski and that leaves feeling down about the lack of sunshine. Reading through my journals about being in the wild might give me a bit of a lift during these upcoming winter months. Sooner or later I plan on getting my book together and yes I will have to enter it into the computer.
Using a computer to sort and write a book is easier, but if one does not back up the work done and the computer goes crazy again, one can see how far a laptop can truly fly. I bet that they can fly a great distance. However, I will try and back up often and carry on. I hope that those of you who did NaNoWriMo were able to meet their goal, either on paper or written with a computer. It does not matter which form you used as long as you tried. It is in the trying that matters.

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