Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome to My Newest Blog

Okay, I know what you are saying, "why another blog?"
Well, why not? Perhaps blogs are like books, which in that case one could not have too many!
"But what are you going to put on this blog?"
I plan on posting my self-education, educational, philosophical musings, books read and want to read, and bits and pieces of my writing....
"Well, that seems good enough. We shall see how well you keep it up."
I assure you that I will do my very best to keep the blog full of my Thoreauvian Bohemian thoughts.
"Speaking of which, why the title of The Thoreauvian Bohemian. You would think that The Philosopher Artist was a big enough title without throwing Thoreau into the mix."
Yes, you would think that, but perhaps it is not how I think. Honestly, my reason for a new moniker is not to replace the other one, but to add to it. Thoreau is one of my favorite authors. He inspires me to live simpler and enjoy the moment that I am in. The Bohemian addition is a name my children love to call me. Not being rude, but because of my artistic self and the fact that I like to wear black a lot and would love to travel around the country living in my 1975 Nomad trailer writing, taking photos and living a simple life.
"In that case, we cannot wait to read it. Now go create!"

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