Thursday, August 18, 2011

Working on the 'Small' Stuff

Good day, Y'all!
I am working on some 'small' stuff today. Not only am I not thinking 'big' today, but I am also not working on a full-size computer. Nope! I am using my daughter's netbook today because my laptop just went off to be fixed
;-( The right shift key on my laptop was broken the other day by a very anxious dog trying to get the cat, who happened to be sitting behind me.
Have you ever tried to type without the right shift key? Easy for those of you who 'hunt & peck', not so easy for those of us who learned to type, dare I say, on a typewriter in 7th grade. It is just not that easy to do, my fingers kept getting in a tizzy over not being in the right form. Not to mention those long-ago voices in my head from the typing teacher telling (yelling at)me to keep my hands in the correct position. Argh!  And now I am typing on a keyboard the size of a piece of toast. At least it has the right shift key and I can keep my hands in correct position;-)
I do appreciate my daughter for letting me use her little computer until my big boy comes back or I go into the office and fix the desktop. Either way, I will have a right shift key, now if I can only find the drink holder on this machine...

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